Monday night, one year to the day that Hamas gangsters brutalized hundreds of Israeli civilians, Vice President Kamala Harris refused to acknowledge Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The setting for her conspicuous snub was a nationally televised interview with the granddaddy of news magazine shows, CBS's "60 Minutes." Harris squirmed as the unusually inquisitive correspondent asked if Netanyahu could be considered "a true ally" of the United States, given the Jewish leader's stubborn refusal to buckle under Biden White House pressure. Under intense pressure, herself, from her anti-Israel left flank, Harris ducked and ran for rhetorical cover, vaguely declaring that America's "important" alliance is with "the Israeli people."

Despite her efforts to villainize Netanyahu and appease her party's growing hostility toward the Jewish state, Harris is losing ground with Arab American voters. In a stunning reversal, a new poll by the Arab American Institute finds that Donald Trump is smashing the Democrats' traditional two to one advantage. The Muslim-banning mad man of Mar A Lago now leads Harris, 46% to 42%, among Arab American likely voters. The pro-Palestinian think tank attributes the dramatic shake up to "the community’s anger and despair over the Biden Administration’s failure to prevent the unfolding genocide in Gaza." Imam Hassan Qazwini, founder of the Islamic Institute of America, confirms to the New York Times, "I personally don’t know anyone who would vote for Harris."